Rip my site apart

Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Sites here
Ive just finished getting all the little niggles out of my css and would like it if you could have a quick look and tell me how it is,
if theres any glaring errors that ive made or if it looks weird in your browser.
Ive tested it in ie 6 and ff and all appears to be fine, i know its only one page and none of the links work but i just want to get some feedback before i plough on and fill the site with content.
Cheers for the reply TerraS im trying to shoot for it to work in 800x600 as, as far as im aware its still the most commenly used resolution and even if its not im trying to make the site assesable and pleasing to as wider audience as possible as thats one of the set objectives, im aiming for a html 4.01 strict validation as its my first hand coded site and i like the challenge :) lol.
Your correct that the live site i borrowed the logo from used to be white but im still not completly settled on the colours so im not going to worry too much about that now as i already have a v2 im working on with some lighter colours :D But cheers for all the input il give it all a go and see how it comes out :cool:
gord said:
Your using an external stylesheet so why not go for xHTML 1.0 strict. Its the daddy!
Not allowed to :( this is part of my assesment and unfortunatly its in the rules we are allowed to use HTML 4.01 only no XHTML or alternative mark up language, suppose its to keep the playing feild level for the new people and the more experienced.
Cheers Mekrel il go and stick the fonts into the style now :)
Well ive hit a snag on my v2 design im using a white background and using a light blue background colour for my menu and content divs this all works fine apart from the text on the menu doesnt seem to align properly in the div nevermind which align command i give it seems to sit way over to the right which is messing up the look slightly :(
Heres the menu div code:
  width: 100px;
  padding-left: 0px ;
  position: absolute;
  top: 200px;
  left: 25px;
  border: 1px 1px 1px 1px solid #ccc;
	height: 300px;
	background-color: #E6E6FA;
.menu ul{
  list-style-type: none;  

.menu a{
  width: 100px;
	font: 18px Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	background-color: #E6E6FA;
	color: #000000;
	text-decoration: none;
	text-align: left;
and heres my html menu code:
<div class="menu"> 
          <li><a href="home.html">Home</a></li>
          <li><a href="link1.htm">link 1</a></li>
          <li><a href="link2.htm">link 2</a></li>
          <li><a href="link3.htm">link 3</a></li>
Does anyone have any idea on how to force it to go right over to the left hand side of the div?
gord said:
Sounds like your div is actually in the wrong place.. give the menu class a float left attribute.

and i dont like this stuff

padding-left: 0px ;
position: absolute;
top: 200px;
left: 25px;
Cheers il give it a go n see how it turns out
:( but thats the only way i seem to be able to get my content and menu divs to line up anywhere near right, do you have any suggestions on how to do it without the absolute positioning? because i dont like the idea of me telling it it has to be exactly there but i couldnt find another solution.

Just tried it if i remove my absolute and put in a float left it moves my menu div up next to my title and logo which is of course not good and it doesnt seem to solve the text align problem either
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Cheers for all the help guys much apreciated ive managed to get my 2nd version finished and i think this will suit the content of the site better, now all i need is a way to make the text within the content div look better as at the moment in ff it looks double line spaced and in ie its fine although it could do with starting at the top of the div.
Pr0t0c0L said:
design your site in Firefox, use the web developer plugin to edit CSS it renders the new page in real time.
But wouldnt this mean that it would be developed and look fine in ff but could end up looking completly wrong in ie? At the min ie is still the most used browser so thats my main target audience although i do want it to look right in as many browsers as possible
Gman said:
true but it's a lot easier to get the site working in firefox then make small adjustments to get it working in IE. Where as designing it in IE and getting it right in firefox can be harder.
Now that ive thought about it thats very true ive had a bitch of a time trying to get this to look right in them both after using pspad which has a ie based preview, but ah well il know for next time :)
iBear said:
i think its mainly colour scheme to be honest with you. once you add some content people will be in a better position to judge
Thats ok then the final site design will be the v2 link
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