I really need to find a way of re-watching Scrubs. It used to be on every other channel constantly a few years back, but never appears in the listings any more.
Ted was a fantastic character, fantastically played.
I’ve rewatched Scrubs quite a few times, it was on Amazon Prime a year or so ago, and think it’s brilliant. It’s how I got my forum name albeit with a typo that I didn’t notice for a few weeks after my account on here got authorised.
he was so funny in that. the whole cast were, the first three or four seasons were classics, especially the episode w/ Brendan Fraser that had one of the all time greatest gut punch moments.
Its nuts, it means he was in his late 30s when the show started. He was an old looking late 30s ! Mind you, his uncle is Christopher Lloyd, from Back to the Future and he was only just in his mid 40s in that, so maybe its genetics
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