RIP Sarah Harding

20 Oct 2002
Not seen any others post about this but Sarah Harding from the female pop group Girls aloud has passed away from her battle with cancer at 39.

Sad news, I am not a fan of manufactured pop groups but they were pretty good back then. She was personally my favourite as she seemed fun, a bit mad(as in liked to party) and very attractive imho but that was probably down to her being a bit older and the rest.

Too young, f-cancer!

Don't care about the groups music in the slightest but 39 is no age to pass at all. Barely lived a life at that point.

Must be heartbreaking for her family and loved ones.
Get tested people! Life over getting embarrassed any day. NHS will absolutely fast track you for tests if they think its serious (happened to me)

Seems like she spotted the signs but did nothing for quite a while and it could have helped her prognosis. Such a shame.
Never heard a girls aloud song but I knew they existed back in the day, I think the girls version of take that. Rip anyway, a piece of the 90s.
I served with her cousin who was a RAF helicopter pilot (Pip) and she would pop into the base about once a year or so. Nice lass, shame to see her go so young to such a horrible disease.
They were an exceptionally well made pop group with some very good catchy pop songs.
Damn shame to hear it when she announced she had cancer.
Its very young for anyone to die.
It may have been if it had been caught earlier but I think one of the news reports said she delayed getting checked out because of COVID.

It’s probably not possible to say whether the delay led to it spreading or not but by the time she did get checked out, it was already too late.

I don’t doubt that there will be many more stories like this one as people stopped going to GPs during lockdown and things like suspected cancer referrals dropped significantly.
Not only that but getting an appointment is nigh on impossible. Our surgery operates a call at 8am policy that is constantly engaged. I called about a year ago and it took me 200+ attempts to get through to be told that there are no appointments and to try again tomorrow. I was lucky at the start of the pandemic tho as i had a bout of cellulitis(didnt know it at the time) and was in a lot of pain in my leg and was feeling really ill. Managed to call 111 at 7am on sat morning and was made an appointment at the walk in centre was seen at 9.30am. The doctor/nurse i saw said that one of the current issues is people thinking they cant get seen by their gp and just not trying (I can understand why) and their illness gets worse. In this case it looks like it was a significant contributor to her death. :(
Generally suspected breast cancer is taken extremely seriously by GPs. If a woman reports lumps/changes in their breast they are in hospital getting scans at hospital within days. They don’t tend to take any chances, even if they think it isn’t.
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