Ripping some Good Charlotte?

19 Sep 2006
Ripping some Good Charlotte? -For Deletion?

I bought the "Chronicles of Life and Death" and when I rip it, it's all jumpy, and reversed and everything. The CD comes with some "Sony OpenMG" Music thingy, which is meant to rip it to your PC, but that refuses to work, and refuses to believe that any parts of my computer exist. :rolleyes: Can anyone help me with this?
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[noodle] said:
Why? I am the legal owner of said CD, after all, and I just want to be able to listen to it on my MP3 Player.

SherberT* is right. From Balddog's sticky at the top of the forum, essentially -the ability to make backup copies is not applicable to audio CDs. You are not allowed to reverse-engineer in any form and there are two main reasons you get to make any mp3 copies, a) because it would be near impossible to prosecute and b) the BPI has given a statement to the effect that they won't prosecute people for making mp3s but it is at their discretion so it still isn't legal as such - that is merely an allowance or derogation on their part. :)
:eek: I thought it was all legal. I wouldn't have expected apps like Windows Media Player, etc, to have openly embraced ripping if it was illegal. It even says on the front of the CD-case "Pre-ripped for the PC." Delete this thread if inappropriate then.
Woah woah woah, we seem to be missing something very important here... he bought a good charlotte album. What is the world coming to *shakes head*
Raikiri said:
Woah woah woah, we seem to be missing something very important here... he bought a good charlotte album. What is the world coming to *shakes head*

Music snobbery, ain't it great. :p Actually that was my first thought also, I almost just typed "just download some better (and legal) songs" but decided it wouldn't be too helpful. :D
I thought it was legal to rip audio CD's but illegal to Rip DVD's? because to do DVD's you have to bypass the security on the disc?
Raikiri said:
Yes it is great ;)

Anyway I wouldn't expect anything less from Sony. You should have bought it from iTunes.

itunes is just as bad with it's DRM protection and shockingly poor quality
I thought it was legal to rip audio CD's but illegal to Rip DVD's? because to do DVD's you have to bypass the security on the disc?
I was under the impression that in the UK you were not permitted to make copies of any kind for digital media such as these. In the US you are permitted to make backup copies of disks you own, including keeping digital copies of the data.
I thought it was legal to rip audio CD's but illegal to Rip DVD's? because to do DVD's you have to bypass the security on the disc?

BillytheImpaler is more or less right, just because you own the original doesn't mean you can make a copy of anything other than computer software and even then only if you aren't circumventing copywrite protection or reverse-engineering in any way. DVDs you have to copy by utilising the DVD key that Xing so carelessly left in their DVD playing software, it was subsequently released into the public domain (by people who were copying DVDs so injunctions or similar could still be placed against its use) but it isn't legal to rip DVDs that you do not own the copyright to. Interestingly enough in Norway where the Xing software was initially reverse-engineered it is entirely legal to do so.

Also as I note above you are highly unlikely to get prosecuted for ripping your own mp3s, particularly with the derogation the BPI (British Phonographic Industry) allows however if you don't own the copyright personally you aren't legally supposed to. :)
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