Rise & Fall: Civilizations At War

i have R&F:CAW and it is brill! Pc Gamer gave it 91%! Ok so the pathfinding may be incomplete but when you go into 3rd person view and slash/whack/shoot (arrows) people it blazes ahead of most other RTS games, bar ROL, graphics are pretty decent, and on full details you do needs a decent spec PC, this will, unfortunately, be one of those overlooked games I think, oK it may also require only the brains of a child to play ( collect resources, build base, build army, CHARGE, collect resources repeat to fade), but it is FUN! there has been a demo on Pcgamer and maybe Zone, but i'm unsutre on the latter, and it desperately needs a patch (floating rowers :confused: once boat is destroyed LOL) it a solid(ish) game and you can sink hours into it. 7/10 is my rating (if that means anything :o )
knowledge123 said:
i have R&F:CAW and it is brill! Pc Gamer gave it 91%! Ok so the pathfinding may be incomplete but when you go into 3rd person view and slash/whack/shoot (arrows) people it blazes ahead of most other RTS games, bar ROL, graphics are pretty decent, and on full details you do needs a decent spec PC, this will, unfortunately, be one of those overlooked games I think, oK it may also require only the brains of a child to play ( collect resources, build base, build army, CHARGE, collect resources repeat to fade), but it is FUN! there has been a demo on Pcgamer and maybe Zone, but i'm unsutre on the latter, and it desperately needs a patch (floating rowers :confused: once boat is destroyed LOL) it a solid(ish) game and you can sink hours into it. 7/10 is my rating (if that means anything :o )

You can make those rowers and people from the sunken boats swim to land BTW :)
I love the game is excellent. really good, especially the fact you can go into heroe mode, and do hack and slash against huge armys.
I got the demo and thought it was pretty decent. Although i though 1st person mode needed improving slightly. More varied attacks and a realistic bow (i.e. not a sniper rifle). But i suppose your character is a hero so nevermind, it's good fun to play :D
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