Rise Of Legends - The Thread

9 Jan 2003
ok, I know I'm starting this thread before relese date (26th may) but I wanted to know what everyone thought of the game so far (re: the demos)

I realy liked the demo, well thought out campain, worked ok, only issue I have right now (and its REALY peeving me off) is that citys produce so meny of the foot troops, I know when I play the skirmish tasks the last thing I want is the citys to start spamming me up with wave after wave of base troops, eating away at my unit cap.
it wouldn't be so bad if non militery units didn't count towards the total pop (caravans and miners etc) but they do! with the max units being 300 pop its quite easy to find yourself unable to build cos one of your large citys pumps out 3-4 units every time you add another militry area, never mind when you upgrade!

how did everyone else get along with it?

also is there any way to add skirmish maps to the demo?
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