RMA Tracer BallistiX Replacement was 2x1gb not 4x512

26 Jul 2003
I noticed people have been saying they dont make these any more and their replacements have been 4x512's. Well I got mine back yesterday and was indeed spanky new 2x1Gb.

Support feller also said this is from a brand new batch (fingers crossed these ones wont go bad) when I queried that "I had read on a forum that people have to keep sending back when they go wrong again" he said that this is a brand new batch and should not go bad.
ted34 said:
No they dont seel 2 x 1gb kits anymore but they still make them for warranty purposes. Also he has to say that the new batch wont go bad - he cant say give me a call in 6 weeks when they die. Anyway good luck with them and hopefully crucial have fixed some of the problems

This is all true and something I am aware of... but I can still hope :p
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