Had a good blast last night, decided to put a good effort into things as it was a perfect evening for riding and I fancied a test on a fairly flat course. Light levels were also dropping and I needed to get as many miles in as I could! Although I rode a little too hard & too soon after eating a chinese takeaway and spent around 20 minutes with a stitch and indigestion, ooops!
A few miles in a kindly tractor (with a trailer of bales) struggled to overtake me on a slight incline and then promptly sat infront of me at ~20mph. I was swearing at him on the downhill (for holding me up) but I had some good fun on the flats being dragged along by him and was able to put some good efforts into the inclines to keep up! Bunch of PR's and probably the fastest average
6 miles I've done (24mph).
I knew I was in for a good overall average at this point, so rather than pushing on to the hill I was intending on looping around, I U-turned and headed for home. I
put a fairly threshold effort into the next 10 miles, very happy with my efforts and power. Felt good but know my legs are still not quite back up to my form pre-house move. Need to do more fast rides like this, rather than the usual loops I've been doing to include a hill as I never then seem to push that hard on the flats.
TLDR; 20 miles @ 19.9mph. Happy. Shame there wasn't another 0.1mph from somewhere though!
you just jelly because a commuter could pwn up a climb ha.
I'm a pro commuter!
I'll miss Live Segments but don't value them highly enough to pay for, just wait until you get home
There's enough other Strava Premium things I use (and find interesting) that it's one of the few things I continue paying for. Everything else (Zwift, TR etc) get cancelled/stopped when I don't use them!
I find it off putting most the time anyway.
Same, there's only a couple I've got set on that I regularly ride... Waiting for the 'one day it'll be a tailwind and my legs will feel fresh' effort.
<moan moan moan, no new bike pictures>
Fit is one of those things, sometimes you can get things feeling 'spot on' and then when looked at by a fitter can be way out - our bodies can get used to strange positions, so any deviation can feel really awkward & uncomfortable!
One of the benefits of doing it yourself is making small gradual changes, but you've got to have a clear cut idea what the 'aim' of your changes are. A fitter, even with a fairly good starting fit (like yours) will see things to 'tweak' to improve your position. These tweaks may work (longer stem sounds like its working for you), others will not.
The bars/hoods issue you have (numb hands) might be coming from being further stretched out - you're possibly supporting more weight on them (than you were before) in a slightly different hand position. Hand positions, especially angle, will always take time to adjust to - you could possibly consciously recruit some core muscle (to assist with relaxing some weight on them) will also help. Tipping your bars back up is probably the easiest (unless you kept the 100mm stem?) until your body has adjusted to the other things. I suggest trying dropping them a little again in a week or two time to see how it feels.