Road "safety" Bill, the highlights

17 Oct 2002
32 in a 20 = 6 points, £100 fine
45 in a 30 = 6 points, £100 fine
57 in a 40 = 6 points, £100 fine
70 in a 50 = 6 points, £100 fine
82 in a 60 = 6 points, £100 fine
94 in a 70 = 6 points, £100 fine

Careless driving fine up from £2,500 to £5,000

Failing to indentify the driver (S172) will go up to 6 points from 3.

Driving while using a mobile will now attract 3 points.

Roadside breath tests will be enough to convict, a second test at a police station is no longer necessary

ps Transport Minister Stephen Ladyman admitted in a debate he uses a scamera detector...
Not to mention the removal of ACPO guidelines so 31 in a 30 will now attract points and a fine....

Oh, and they can also hide cameras....
The Bill:

Trying to find an article on it, none appear online yet, though it is on the front pade of The Daily Mail.

As an aside:

Speed cameras lead to points surge

Speed cameras have led to a surge of penalty points on drivers' licences, a new poll has revealed.

About 16% of motorists now have penalty points, with 3% being one offence away from a driving ban, the survey from motor insurance company Direct Line showed.

In the past 12 months, motorists have paid out more than £121 million in speeding fines and 92% of motoring convictions over the last two years were for speeding.

Based on responses from 2,430 UK adults, the survey also showed that 61% think speed cameras are mere revenue raisers and 11% think cameras are there to pay for local authority workers' bonuses

Also, more than three quarters claim that fines have no effect on the speed they drive.

Direct Line's motor spokeswoman Emma Holyer said: "Despite the growing number of speed cameras in the UK and the increase in motorists receiving penalty points, our research shows that drivers are still speeding.

"Although the Government is currently reviewing speed cameras as part of the Road Safety Bill, drivers need to take notice of the speed limits - and cameras - regardless of whether they agree with them or not as they could lose their licence if they choose to ignore them.

"Speed cameras exist because speeding is one of the biggest dangers on UK roads, with one in three road deaths attributed to it, so motorists do need to keep their speed down and be aware of the limits."
Will be for England and Wales.

The Bill has had the third reading in the Lords so is only a couple of months away from becoming law.
Enfield said:
I try not to go 10mph over every speed limit tbh. You can still get to your destination just as quick by going the speed limit so whats the point in breaking it excessively.

As it's fun and doesn't harm anyone, therefore why restrict individual liberty?
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