Road to Fat & Strong feat. Chris1712

29 Jul 2004
Hi guys, long time no see.


I've decided lately to stop trying to maintain a 'healthy' weight or cut because It's just mind bendingly hard and unfulfilling for a previous fatboy with loose skin. So I'm on a mission to just get strong(er) at the moment, and will probably become a fatty in the process!

I'm back on Stronglifts ISH. I've swapped in Trap Bar Deadlifts for regular ones, I hate them both but trap bars a nice change. Also swapped in Low Cable Row for BOR just because I bloody love it and feel loads of back activation rather than concentrating 90% of my effort on hip stability and grip (come at me).

Been back since May ish, progress so far. Note I have NOT been updating my weight, I have no idea what I weigh at the moment and want to keep it that way lest I lose sight of my goals. I'm just eating what I fancy really, which for me means I get fat :p.


PBs so far (All 5RMs of some description)
Squat 147.5kg (1x5 peeb)
Bench 105kg (3x5 peeb)
Trap Bar Deadlift (130kg 1x5 peeb, might be more dunno what the trap bar weighs)
Low cable row 85kg (5x5 peeb and climbing)
OHP 57.5kg (3x5 peeb)

I'm just going to chuck weekly updates in here to keep things tracked somewhere other than the app, I might start doing weekly weigh ins depending how pessimistic I feel at the time!

As is tradition:


OK this weeks efforts! Also decided to weigh in this week, 85.7kg! Lols. This time last year I was ~77kg, fatty power!

Squatz 142.5kg 5/5/5/3/3
OHP 57.5kg 5/5/4/3/3 <- Lawd this is heavy
Trap Bar Deads 115kg 1x5

Squatz 142.5kg 5/3/1/0/0 <- Yeah really. Felt like a cold was on it's way and I just felt like I was made of lead, not fun.
Bench 92.5kg 5/5/5/5/5
Low Cable Pulley Row 85kg 5/5/5/5/5

Saturday (Yeah I did workout A twice in a row, you mad?)
Squatz 142.5kg 5/5/5/5/5 <- Sleep + cake gains
Bench 95kg 5/5/5/5/5
Low Cable Pulley Row 90kg 5/5/5/5/5 <- Getting tough to maintain form, but luckily stack runs out at 100kg so need to deload soon anyway!

As is tradition.

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