Robs 365 for 2013 / 2014

22 Aug 2010
In My Command Center
Ok so i have decided to do a mad thing and jump into the deep end.....

I have never done anything like this or even contemplated it so i think im in for a rough ride.

I will begin this on July 1st, taking 365 images, one a day, is very daunting!

Im doing this to try and find my spark again which i feel i am losing. I am a big fan of PP so expect some photoshop wizardry.

I expect there will be a lot of head banging, lol

Please CC my images, tell me if they are **** and how i can improve them.

I will be posting to my Flickr and i have started a Blog so feel free to follow me there, i always follow back.

Im interested in speed lighting so if you have any insight please feel free to throw a dog a bone ;)
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No better way to turn something fun into a chore than foring yourself to do it everyday. Photography is about being creative, I don't see forcing yourself to take a photo will improve that? I would rather take a single prize winning photo in a year than 365 of the nearest things to hand.

Still, if it works for you then good luck, not easy and sometimes it is nice to have a challenge!

Like everyone says, there are pros and cons to this.

Best way to learn is to take photos, in theory the more you take, the faster you get better at it. However you also need to step back and analyse the photo, criticise it so you can improve on it next time round. If you just take and take without the subsequent approach then it would almost become a pointless exercise.

That is the pros of doing a 365, as long as you review and take a step back and look at your work then it would at least give it a meaning. Hopefully by the end of the year you will see a noticeable improvement over time.

The con would be that you should only show people your best work, it would be very difficult for an average Joe who does a 9-5 office job to get enough opportunity and/or time to get shots that are varied enough to warrant a 365, unless you are in such a position like being a backstage photographer of a world tour for U2/Taylor Swift or full access to daily lives of the White House or travelling round the world.

A lot of people fall into the trap of taking photographs of their pet (badly), their kids (badly), inanimate objects (badly) with no thought process going into any one of them.

If you are going to do that then the way to make it creative is if you have a theme - But you would need to be very creative to begin with, if you end up taking endless photos of your dog sleeping in various parts of the house and nothing else then you might as well stop after the first week.

In short - don't take photographs for the sake of it, if that photo doesn't work and your gut feeling tell you it doesn't work then don't take it and move on. That is your own critique working in action and you are actually learning by not taking the photo. Think before you click.

As above really.

Most 365's end up being photo's of your dinner, cans of pop or your kids and descend into mediocrity.

So unless you are feeling really creative I'd go for something a little less stressful and more meaningful.

Having said that, I do follow someone on Flickr who constantly does 365 and his work is not only brilliantly amusing but very creative. Link below if you are interested.

I suppose it is what you make of it.............. just don't judge me when i drop out! :)
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