Roccat Kone profiles

11 Aug 2009
My Roccat Kone+ just died on me yesterday (1 month after the warranty ended, typical:rolleyes:) so have ordered the Kone XTD and wanted to know if the profiles I have created and saved can be carried over to the new mouse?
Hi Raptor can't help you with the profile question because when I upgraded I started again from scratch. I'm sure you'll be impressed with the improvements made to the new version of there mouse.Good luck with your new Toy :D:D
Ye, thanks! already suffering withdrawal from it. Really missing having the 2 side buttons on this crappy 50p mouse from some oem I've never even heard of lol. Found my old Razer Copperhead in the retired parts/graveyard box but thats got a dodgy left-click so really looking forward to having a decent mouse again!
In the process of writing down all the old profile settings from the Roccat config utility just incase they don't work.
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