rock ness 2007 lineup

9 Jun 2005
lineup just came out

i think ive just ....


woop woop woop

no need to worry about the joke that is oxegen festival for me now
for the sort of people who will go for chem brothers and daft punk then soulwax/2many djs, erol alkan and groove armada are huge too

once the claimed 60 other acts are added it will be like global gathering without the trance :D ;) :p

god knows why the automatic are there though :/
Jampy said:
bit pricey, but very tempting...
i wanna know where else daft punk are playing this summer first!

me too ! rockness seems the best bet unless theyre confirmed for glasto though ( getting tickets will be a nightmare anyway nevermind if theyre there or not though )


bercy in paris - i got a ticket but not sure if i can go anymore , desperatley want too though and will do whatever i can to make it ! , awaiting details of the support for it.

a music festival in serbia ( looks awesome but "where the hell is serbia" is what my mates say when i mentioned it :p )


oxegen fest ireland - supposed to be a really badly run festival . riots and stuff last 2 years apparently


pretty much every other festival in the world at the moment :o :(

i doubt there will be another uk date to be honest but really hope so because them at GG last year was simply amazingly fantastically awesome :p

many rumors about DP bringing out an album in the summer too , i know they've finished the film and are back working on music again because bangalters released a remix but thats it

its times like this when i wish they wherent so secretive and didn't want to hide from stardom so much :(
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Tru said:
I'm only really going down for the chemicals but it should be a cracking weekend.

you heard the new album ? :(

i had to pull out of this because of lack of money at moment :/ too much stuff happening this month

you have too report back here on monday with reviews of chems and daft punk :D
first show of DP the tour so am interested in how its changed from the one last year that i dont think can even be beaten

id say seeing erol alkan and 2 manydjs is a must too, no festival is complete without em

am sure it will be great
Jampy said:
any chance of any more info on daft punks set? are you at all familiar with the 2006 sets? I want to know how different it is... if at all!

same here

there show last year was easily the best thing ive ever seen/heard , be damn hard to beat it !
few vids up on you tube already , one of the encore and a silly long applause

really really tempted to get tickets for next sunday tbh..... :o
apparently that was planned to be the same as the shows on last years tour then the new show will kick off in paris this week

the encore looks mint like , didnt get that last year !

on the other forum i visit heard nothing but good about it too , also lots of comments on how good the atmosphere was in that tent , same sort of thing when i seen them, guess thats expected when there 20 000+ people all having an amazing time , bidding like mad on ebay trying to get ticket/s for next sunday at leeds now
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RandomTom said:
Haha, have fun with that, it's funny because years previously they actually had to hand out tickets a few days before

i know ! and o2 used to basically give them away in silly promotions :/ its why i never bought one at launch :o :(

Tru said:
The location and the young age of the festival meant the crowd were very appreciative, the boos were deafening after about 40 min delay but you can see the response once they finally appeared.

they where delayed about an hour at global but erol alkan just kept dj ing on and on till they where ready , he was mint that night and so where they :D

theres rumors about leeds finishing before it gets dark which could make the light show a bit difficult

although im sure they managed something last year in southamerica and sunny europe etc , who knows
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