Rock school

10 Mar 2006

Went to my guitar lesson last night and my tutor recommended that I get a couple of the new grade books from the new 2006-2012 syllabus from Rock School ( Just wondering if anybody has ever tried any of these? I'll be getting it either way but just wondered if they're actually any good. I didn't even know you could do grades for it so would be interesting to see how it turns out.
Well, that's the thing. I know modes, arpeggios, chord structures and all that, so I was wondering how high the technicality and theory of it went. I'll admit I'm lacking somewhat in scales to a certain extent though. I've had a lot of this with my tutor already for some time now, but a reinforcement of it from another angle could be good.

I do think though that if it's just a case of learn this song with a widdling solo, then I might as well choose my own widdling song to learn, eh? If it's more about phrasing, diminished returned-esque (just an example) kind of ideas and more in depth theory then I'm all up for it.
Well he recommended starting at grade 7 or 8 myself too, depending on how chellenging I wanted it to be. I think he just wants me to use it as an aid to what he teaches me, but if it's just a case of learning techniques - which tbh (that trumpet thing here ;) ) I dont think there's any that escape me - then I might as well learn songs that I want to learn!

I do find it sometimes difficult to find songs that I actually want to learn and that challenge me, so maybe it could be good after all.

Dont suppose you've got a PDF example of any of them have you?
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