Rocket Arena 4

1 Apr 2003

Its been brought to my attention that the Rocket Arena mod for Quake 4 has recently been released. I used to love the previous versions and im seriously tempted to purchase Quake 4 to give it a go, but ive heard several negative things about Q4 and I dont want to buy it to find out that theres no servers or no players!

Anyone know if theres an active RA community still? Anyone played RA4, if so give me a lowdown :p

Interested in the point about playing RA3 using Q4, can someone comfirm that? RA3 is one of my favourite online games of all time, at its peak, it was great. And that was even at the point when I was playing using 56k, would love to give it a shot using my shiney 10mb line! :D

Would be great if we could get a few players from here so we could start playing again.
manveruppd said:
I was on 56k too when I was active in RA3 (and on a 450MHz PII with a Geforce 2 video card as well!:p) and that was exactly why I got into it initially: my line was so bad it couldn't handle large maps with a lot of players - 1v1 made things smoother, though I was still on 300ms pings. However, once I got into the "duel" mentality I never looked back and it became my favourite type of deathmatch ever! :D

Ah yes the memories :p

I was on exactly the same specs (P3 450, 256mb RAM, Geforce2mx) and my trusty Diamondblaster 56e modem that I used to spend hours tweaking to try and get stable sub 300 pings :D

And yes, it was good because i used to stick to the 1v1's which my setup could handle. Kind of got used to aiming rockets a few yards ahead!

So im assuming you cant play RA3 through the Q4 client? If theres an active commucity though may start searching for a copy of Q3 if RA4 isnt up to much...
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