Rocksmith Plus (released 2022)

30 Jun 2019
This seems like the right place to discuss this. Anyone tried this gamified software yet?

I've got a cheapo guitar. Just updated to Windows 11 (if that even matters). Got a realtone cable. Played RS 2014 a bit ages ago, had some fun.

There's just been a title update today, looks like they cronched some release bugs:

I was thinking of subscribing to try it out for a month, and maybe cancelling during the refund period (the subscription isn't cheap!). Might get a proper subscription later if it seems worthwhile, depending on how many songs and bands get added.

So, it looks like they added some more songs a few days ago:

But apparently, you need to use a VPN (with US IP) to access these songs lol.

What a joke.

So, you won't miss out on much if you just play without a VPN the UK.

In fact, MGMT aren't available at all in the US.

Has no one tried RS Plus yet? I gave it ago on Monday and Tuesday.
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I played Rocksmith to death on the PS, I kinda stopped when they stopped developing it. What's the deal with this on the PC? Presumably, all the songs I bought on PS won't transfer over if I played on the PC?
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