Rocky 6 aka Rocky Balboa (Poss spoilers i dunno!)

16 Nov 2002
The Moon
anyone else think this premise has got to be the worst story ever?

Premise: After a "computer fight" (on the Internet, perhaps) between aging ex-champ Rocky Balboa (Stallone) and current champ Mason Dixon leads to Rocky's victory, Rocky returns to the ring once more to take the champ on for real

Surely the writers could have come up with something better?

From what I have read the movie revisits him and shows what his life is like now. In it's initial form a good amount of time is spent on this before anything else happens. When ESPN does an in 'their prime would Rocky would beat Dixon' (reigning Heavyweight Champion) simulation they say that Rocky would win. They make a big thing of it and Dixons peple contact Rocky asking him to fight. Rocky trains for the fight and then the big fight is on.

OK it's not very original but it's plot isn't really much worse than a lot of other plots out there.
SideWinder said:
I thought it was something to do with Rocky's son..with Rocky training him and he takes on his rival or something?
Nope, but his sons a part of the story. An investment banker or some suit type guy.
I'm pretty sure it was a George Forman type comeback where he fights to get money to save some kids boxing place he run or something similar.
Not a lot of people remember that Rocky (the original) won Oscar for The Best Picture in 1976 and Stallone was nominated for Best Actor. It was the middle of Muhammad Ali era, soon after Rumble in the Jungle and Thrilla in Manilla and Academy solemly believed Rocky was the movie about The Sport. Stallone proved them silly by popping mongrel sequel after sequel taking breath only to reload his chain machine gun as John Rambo. Many believe Rocky to be the biggest grift in the history of Academy Awards - sort of pre karate kid bitdacrappa B movie which somehow made it to the top because of atmosphere at the time. I can't say I agree with that but it has to be said - in many ways Rocky series was the big movie swindle.
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