Rocky Series.

15 Mar 2007
Now that the Rocky series has come to the end what have you thought about each movie, in-depth answers please. From 1-6, i will do a brief as i have to get going but i think most of them have been done really well in developing his character, plots, acting, the final fight apart from the last one which in my opinion was to rushed and plain boring. 5 wasn't as good but atleast it had some good moments in there.
Not very in depth but:

Rocky = Very good
Rocky2 = OK
Rocky3 = Not bad
Rocky4 = Good
Rocky5 = Rubbish
Rocky6 = Why did he even bother!!

I was so looking forward to the end fight in 6 thinking it would save the film....I was Soooo wrong. and the champion he was fighting (i have seen more muscle on a KFC chicked drum stick then him!!)
Rocky 1: Brilliantly written, great story, great acting and very entertaining. IMO, the best film of the series. 9/10

Rocky 2: Not a bad sequel, good story, good acting and still very entertaining. Should've stopped making Rocky films after this one. 7/10

Rocky 3: Getting a bit tiresome, non existent story, good acting but still entertaining. 6/10

Rocky 4: Pretty poor, non existent story, poor acting but entertaining nonetheless. 5/10

Rocky 5: Awful, WTF story, poor acting and not entertaining in the slightest. 3/10

Rocky 6: Return to form, very well written, good story, great acting but not as action packed as some of the other films. 8/10
1 - fantastic
2 - equally so
3 - above average
4 - amazing, easily the best of the lot
5 - shocking, awful, worst of the lot by a long, long way
6 - average
Gilly said:
1 - fantastic
2 - equally so
3 - above average
4 - amazing, easily the best of the lot
5 - shocking, awful, worst of the lot by a long, long way
6 - average

Strange that you think 4 is the best of the lot. Its good fun, but its not a patch on the original. The original has everything, good character development and good rags to riches kinda story. 3 and 4 are just the same thing with a new opponent really.

But people have different views on films, not saying you are wrong or anything :)
Gilly said:
1 - fantastic
2 - equally so
3 - above average
4 - amazing, easily the best of the lot
5 - shocking, awful, worst of the lot by a long, long way
6 - average

I'd agree with this , except rocky 6 was a average film but a fitting end to the whole fantastic collection of films
stallone said 5 shouldnt of been made as it was lame.think rocky one is best overall but rocky 4 has best music .
Rocky 1 - Very enjoyable but a little slow
Rocky 2 - Good but not as good as the first
Rocky 3 - The same trend
Rocky 4 is excellent imo, my favourite out of the lot.
Rocky 5 - Utter rubbish
Rocky 6 - This film goes back to basics and back to the original's slower story line and more emphasis on characters and big dialogues. I found it less enjoyable than 4 and 1, as it was just a tad too slow, I think I had to wait over an hour to see any sort of action or training.
1 - Well written, true classic, for the genre, right up there
2 - Finished off the first well IMO, not quite as good, but a good sequel - should have been the end :(
3 - Clearly a cash in, Mr T etc. Entertaining, but not a "great" film. Average, but entertaining.
4 - The cow is old, stop milking please... I don't understand how this can bee seen as good, fairly dire IMO
5 - My eyes are bleeding
6 - Have yet to see, not going to get my hopes up, or make any special effort to see
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jellybeard999 said:
1 - Well written, true classic, for the genre, right up there
2 - Finished off the first well IMO, not quite as good, but a good sequel - should have been the end :(
3 - Clearly a cash in, Mr T etc. Entertaining, but not a "great" film. Average, but entertaining.
4 - The cow is old, stop milking please... I don't understand how this can bee seen as good, fairly dire IMO
5 - My eyes are bleeding
6 - Have yet to see, not going to get my hopes up, or make any special effort to see

Come on rocky 4 is the holy grail :o
Nitefly said:
I was under the impression that most rocky fans thought 4 was the best.
Me too, didn't think there'd be any competition :confused:

The training montage is easily the best, as well as it being eminently quotable:

'he is like a piece of iron'
'I must break you'
'if he dies, he dies'
'if you can change, and I can change, we can all change'

Not forgetting that it was Rocky that single-handedly ended the cold war :p
Gilly said:
Me too, didn't think there'd be any competition :confused:

The training montage is easily the best, as well as it being eminently quotable:

'he is like a piece of iron'
'I must break you'
'if he dies, he dies'
'if you can change, and I can change, we can all change'

Not forgetting that it was Rocky that single-handedly ended the cold war :p

Ha ha the whole cold war U.S V russia was really funny
Gilly is nearly right on this one. Except I found 6 to be equally as good as one, if not better, but with 4 being my favourite.

Though, in my "top 10 list" I had to put Rocky1, as it started every thing off,

if I were to rate them:

1: 8/10 - Starts of slow, but great film
2: 9/10 - Improvement with faster action and pacier writing
3: 7/10 - Gimmicky, but involing story line with Micky and Clubber.
4: 10/10 - My favourite, awesome, in view with the rest of the story it couldnt of been written or made any better than it was
5: 4/10 - had it's moments, was good in places, just wasn't Rocky. Didn't sound like Rocky, or act like Rocky through most of it.
6: 9/10 - Back to near its best. This is how everyone thought Rocky would be after retiring. Awesome.
Rocky 3 is the best and I'll tell you why....

In Clubber Lang you had the most ridiculously unrealistic hard mutha of a boxer imaginable. Everybody said, "No heavyweight boxer could ever be like that!"

Then what happens? A 20 year old by the name of Mike Tyson appears and fights just like Clubber. Scared every boxer witless.

So Rocky 3 did well to predict a fighter like tyson, even though Balboa would never have beaten him :p
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