Roger Waters DSOTM redux, London next month

2 Sep 2022
Dont know what to say really but grabbed a couple of tickets for this show at London paladium next month ... most expensive tickets I've bought in my entire life for sure.

I think its going to be rather special though ,,, went to see Rogers This is not a Drill show twice in June at Glasgow, fantastic, and last time when he toured here back in 2018 was at both his Glasgow shows too.

This show will be completly different, but simply had to be there, had been humming and heing about it, but thought ... we only live once ... got good seats ... it will be different and fun I'm sure

Roger is a Workaholic and thats for sure and deserves his success.

Its North Scotland and travelling near one end of the country to the other I'll be doing this, probably take the Sleeper train from Inverness to London, or fly down, flights will probably be cheaper, right enogh.

The ticket prices are steep, but I want to do this and my bank Manager says its OK ... so here we go,

Just over a month away ... I just love fun stuff like this to look forward to :)

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