Roku 3 or Amazon or HTPC or Other

7 Nov 2006
Stockton on Tees
Alright Guys,
I've kind of made it easy to break down the issues in bulletin points so its easy to follow:

Moving house- in the middle of putting together a list of stuff for my AV setup.

55" Sony TV, Sony AV Amp, AE 5.1 speaker setup

MKV's stored on the home PC which will be in another room

Stream via wifi or Ethernet the MKV's stored on the home PC to the TV in the living room. Must do 5.1 surround sound. Ideally 24fps playback. Ideally use Plex Media Server.

As cheap as possible and something the Mr's can easily operate

Current setup:
Streaming via Chromecast using Plex Media Server

Narrowed it down to Roku 3, Amazon or a HTPC or....
What do you guys suggest?

Many thanks inadvance :)
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The only thing that will work without any issues would be an HTPC if you want 24fps with HD audio im looking at the mo even the Fire tv is great from what ive read it has few little niggles like not supporting 24fps and the HD audio. It comes at a cost tho if 24fps is essential if not the Amazon fire gets the better reviews and can load plex and kodi
I use the Fire TV with Kodi and it plays everything I throw at it beautifully, including 1080p MKVs. The lack of HD audio may be an issue in future though!
Thanks guys.
Looks like if i really want to future-proof myself (HD Audio/24fps) i am better off with a HTPC.

Whats the best, cheapest and easiest solution for HTPC? The only thing i don't like about the HTPC is that i will need a keyboard/mouse and i was hoping for just a simple remote so the Mrs can easily use it. I don't want to spend loads..ideally no more than £150.

Also, How does Plex work on a HTPC when the Plex Media server is on another pc?
Do you need to use plex?

You could install Openelec which is based on the Kodi platform (very similar), that way you could then use a remote control (or a phone based app) to control the content so it's easy for your Mrs.

You could then still use Plex for everything else.

For a htpc you just need a pc of any description. If you have any spare parts you could always give it a go before investing in something more suitable.

Plex would just use a client like any other device, however you would need an OS so either Windows or Linux to install it on. The day that they release a self sufficient install option like Openelec will be a great day!
HP 260 G1 Desktop Mini PC, can be had for under £100. Does everything you need it to and more. I've got about 12TB of media ranging from DVD rips to uncompressed Blu Rays all being played through Plex and the G1 has been faultless.
HP 260 G1 Desktop Mini PC, can be had for under £100. Does everything you need it to and more. I've got about 12TB of media ranging from DVD rips to uncompressed Blu Rays all being played through Plex and the G1 has been faultless.

Have you tried it with Kodi and a heavy skin. Just wondering how it holds up. I have an older celron solution (Pulse8 box) and works great with every movie I throw at it, but not silky smooth in menus.
Intel NUC Sounds like it fits the bill. Grab a cheap 60Gb SSD and 4Gb sodimm and away you go.. Should work out less than 150quid for the Celeron one that does DTSHD(I think) 24fps etc... Can be ran on Windows or Openelec with no issues. Small, quiet and low power use.
Have you tried it with Kodi and a heavy skin. Just wondering how it holds up. I have an older celron solution (Pulse8 box) and works great with every movie I throw at it, but not silky smooth in menus.

Afraid not. I made the switch from Kodi to Plex a few months ago.There is a big thread on the G1 here
Do you need to use plex?

You could install Openelec which is based on the Kodi platform (very similar), that way you could then use a remote control (or a phone based app) to control the content so it's easy for your Mrs.

Dont need to use Plex but i like the ease of navigating and playing files with Plex and its very user friendly which the Mrs likes. I suppose i could still use it if i wanted to along side something better like Openelec...which i can operate and the mrs then still has Plex for easy operation which she can control via her phone.

HP 260 G1 Desktop Mini PC, can be had for under £100. Does everything you need it to and more. I've got about 12TB of media ranging from DVD rips to uncompressed Blu Rays all being played through Plex and the G1 has been faultless.

Will have a look at this- thank you.

Intel NUC Sounds like it fits the bill. Grab a cheap 60Gb SSD and 4Gb sodimm and away you go.. Should work out less than 150quid for the Celeron one that does DTSHD(I think) 24fps etc... Can be ran on Windows or Openelec with no issues. Small, quiet and low power use.

Must admit the NUC does seem like the option. Small, discreet and easy to setup. Would a Celeron be enough for 1080p playback as well as being silky smooth in menus? Likewise 4Gb enough? Will prob use Win8.1 as the OS. I would need a wireless mouse and keyboard though for the NUC so would also need a BT dongle?
Kodi running on openelec is about as user friendly as you can get. It's also the slickest interface bar none I have ever used. The fact it installs I a few mins and auto updates really does make it just fool proof. My old Deleon powered pulse8 box runs everything. Old divx files to 50gb blu ray ISO's. The only issue I have with it is some heavy skins such as aeon nox, the menu navigation isn't as silky smooth as it could be.
What type of celeron would be ok for 1080p im looking for something like the OP is after maybe with windows 7 the amazon fire tv looks ok but the lack of 24p and the hd audio has put me off but everything that it does really fits the bill apart from them few issues. Openelec sounds good for kodi but limited on everything else LOLOL. Decisions decisions
Ive decided to go the NUC root and have spec'ed the following:

£90 - Intel DN2820FYKH Barebone Desktop (Celeron N2820 2.39GHz, HD Graphics, WLAN, Bluetooth 4.0)
£19 - HyperX Impact 4 GB DDR3 PC1600 CL9 SO SODIMM Notebook Memory Module
£35 - Kingston 60GB mSATA Solid State Drive
£16 - Intel 7260.HMWWB - Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 Network Adaptor PCI Express Half Mini Card 802.11ac 2x2 Bluetooth 4.0 USB

Works out around £160

Firstly......will all the modules i have chosen work in the NUC (Sorry, my knowledge of putting these together is non-existent)

Secondly.....anything i can do to shave some money off?

Afraid not. I made the switch from Kodi to Plex a few months ago.There is a big thread on the G1 here

Ordered one of these yesterday to replace the pulse8 which I will put in another room. It comes with windows 8.1 bing on it but I'll just stick openelec on it as I have no need for anything else.
Ive decided to go the NUC root and have spec'ed the following:

£90 - Intel DN2820FYKH Barebone Desktop (Celeron N2820 2.39GHz, HD Graphics, WLAN, Bluetooth 4.0)

You may want to wait on the Intel NUC Braswell - its already out in the states, so should be imminent in the UK. Code is BOXNUC5CPYH, seems to be pre-order for £106 elsewhere.

Here are the specs: Intel NUC5CYPH

The beefier quadcore is pre-order for £140 elsewhere.
You may want to wait on the Intel NUC Braswell - its already out in the states, so should be imminent in the UK. Code is BOXNUC5CPYH, seems to be pre-order for £106 elsewhere.

Here are the specs: Intel NUC5CYPH

The beefier quadcore is pre-order for £140 elsewhere.

that looks ideal should have everything up and running £250 with windows 7 SSD and RAM
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