Roman Polanski...

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Yeah it doesn't make much sense.
He has been running away from the charge for years, and given that he wasn't a famous film maker, he would have been torn to shreds. I mean Gary Glitter was famous too, yet he was torn to shreds.

I also read one news article where there had been attempts to justify what he did because of the fact that many other male stars in the early days had done similar things, such as Eorll Flynn and they got away with it.
He needs to go to the USA and be the cell mate of a large man with no morals and homosexual tendancies, poetic justice would be served daily.
There's already a thread in SC so there's no point in having one here for Daily Mail-esque attacks on him.

The case is far from black and white (the guilty plea was part of a plea-bargain in which the now-deceased judge is understood to have acted unlawfully, the supposed victim has come out in defence of Polanski and asked for the charges to be dropped...).
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