Roman times in Britain PC games

16 Sep 2018

I hope I write my post in the right place. It’s been a while since I last played PC games, hence now having some more spare time on my hands I’m a bit lost. I would appreciate any input.

I am looking for PC games about Roman times in Britain. The more reflecting real facts the better.

There's lots of strategy games. You could also try Ryse if you want something a little more visceral, which you're sure to find pretty cheap these days.
Age of empires rise of rome

Kingdom come: deliverance - probs a bit after romans and also not roman themed but a quite an in depth game with multiple ways to go through the story
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As said before Rome 2 but install the DEI mod, it’s like having a history lesson while you are playing.

Also the new patch with family tree and change capital features adds some further depth to the game.

Paradox studio are also releasing a new grand strategy game called Imperator Rome pretty soon.
I bought this to have another go on as I got through a lot last time and remembered getting stuck, thought it was on Xbox but turns out I already had it in steam.
Does anyone know if it would overwrite my last game and use the key?

Anyone is welcome to try the key if they would like it

Not sure what would be the acronym for this, but I’m not looking for multiplayers, just for myself playing.

"Single Player" or "SP", generally.

I think you're out of luck. Devs seem wildly averse to historical realism in general and I can't think of anything set in Roman Britain.

Some years ago I had some fun with Imperium Romanum and Glory of the Roman Empire. They're lightweight settlement building games. IIRC, Imperium Romanum (the sequel) did look Roman and GotRE (the original) looked more generic but neither struck me as being terribly unrealistic. Neither are set in Britannia, but you might find them worth the few pounds they should cost now. The general gist of each mission is that you're tasked with establishing a Roman settlement in a location and allocated some resources to start you off. You need to locate and use local resources, find something you can make in the settlement and establish some external trade because you'll need money, ensure a food supply, distribution network, keep the peace, defend the settlement and progress towards a town suitable for Roman citizens. They'll rough it for a little while as long as they have food, water and shelter, but they want civilisation and good order. Theatres, baths, pleasant public gardens, etc. After all, they're not barbarians!

I hope I write my post in the right place. It’s been a while since I last played PC games, hence now having some more spare time on my hands I’m a bit lost. I would appreciate any input.

I am looking for PC games about Roman times in Britain. The more reflecting real facts the better.


Strategy TW Attila. Rome 2 is hundreds of years before.
Also Ryse son of Rome.

But best entertainment read Simon Scarrow novels from the Under the Eagle series. Half the books are based on Britannia.
After that the Vespasian related novels by Robert Fabri.

No game can beat good books.

Also strategy covering earlier period is the upcoming Imperator by Paradox.
If you go with books and fancy something a bit different, Lindsey Davis' Falco series might appeal. They're set mainly in Rome in the 70s AD, but the first one is set largely in Britain. They're detailed and historically plausible in daily life, politics, etc. The main character is a private detective (and yes, they did exist in ancient Rome), low social class and doing a job generally considered of low status if not downright dishonourable. Many private detectives in ancient Rome certainly were dishonourable, but Falco isn't. Which is why he's poor. He's been making a living at it for a while, taking care to stay well away from anything political because of the risks, but in the first book he gets dragged into a case that's very political indeed and changes his life in a variety of ways.
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