Rome By Night

18 Oct 2002
These aren't great but I like them. These are my first every city night shots and I think they didn't turn oput too bad considering. I know the best time is the 10-15mins just as it grets dark giving a dark blue sky but I was having dinner with the GF. Plus I was backpacking so the tripod was a very lightweight basic one which is impossible to get level.

All shot with Nikon D70, kit lens. Aperture around F16-22. Exposure 15-30s, ISO 200.

A random building near the Pantheon (because of the cafe table in the way it was taken at an angle and had to get starightened afterwards, hence some perspective distortion:

The Pantheon by night.

Fountain next to Pantheon

Trevi Fountain. Horribly busy at night time and impossible to get a good position. Took an hour to get these next 2 photos because people kept walking in front etc.

Trevi Close up

I have some prague photos by night that look quite nice. Post those another time
I like the final shot of the Trevi fountain. However, I realise that sodium lighting does produce odd colour casts - I feel that your shots would be improved with some white balance tweaking
As mentioned they are all very orange. Did you shoot in RAW? You can fiddle with the white balance to try and fix it. If not try using PP to overlay some colour to minimize the orange.
Yeah, they are all orange, but they were orange in real life. I did very little to adjust the photos, just bumped the contrasts, sharpened and straightened.

I'll play around with the WB, a slight correction should help but I'm not a fan of heavy photoshopping.
Hope you don't mind but I took a pic of the Trevi a few yrs back and I had a similar orange cast which I personally like. And I know what you mean about the place being busy at night. It's like a business park carpark on a Friday night with kids and novas ;)


They're nice shots but some would have benefited from a wider angle imho.
I like them but they are very in your face if you know what I mean, it would have been nice to take them from a distance or with a wide angle lense.

Rome is beautiful, I got some nice night time shots when I went but sadly I didn't have a tripod and I was still getting to grips with my Canon S80. The Trevi is packed at night (mostly Americans) and it's extremely hard to get a deacent picture of with the amount of people. I gave up in the end and went on to the Colesseum, Forum and the Victoriano building to get some shots.

Edit: Here are some of the pics, I hope the original poster doesn't mind me posting.

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