Rome total war



12 Aug 2005
err how do I cure a disease? my head honcho dude got the plague and infected 2 of my rising star generals to boot!

in a random event looks like i lost pretty much 3 of my top men.

had the game for a while but never got round to playing it, had a great time with shogun total war so far this looks like a laugh, quite a lot of improvement.

not convinced by the battles, land warfare seems to be interesting but so far not very challenging. then again i've only just scratched the surface of the game.

naval warfare on the other hand ****** me off, since you have to auto-resolve all the time.
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Dont think there is a cure for the plague, if it spreads to your citys+generals, well sucks to be them :P
Best way is to put your people into exile.
Dont let them near any citys that doesnt have the plague.

Send them out to war and wipe out the others with the diseased generals and armys.
Might aswell use them for something.
It might even spread the plague to over civilizations :cool:

Ps. Get the Rome total realism mod :D :cool:
Nothing you can do about it - just sit it out. Characters can keep the plague for ages, cities it usually only lasts 3 turns or so.

Sometimes useful to spread the plague to your own city :) especially if its population is growing to much and it could revolt.
When you have the plague it means the population is too big for your sanitation facilities. Build things like sewers, public baths etc or whatever the equivilant is for your size of city, it cleared mine up after 1 turn after it had been built.
i used to hate the plague 'till i found a use for it and now when i get a dose, so does half the map. a few active spys can cause a reduction of a faction's strength, a few dozen can cause faction's to crumble.
bugger, will go and spread the plague

is there a tech tree for the game?

i got mine 2nd hand and cant find one.

some other random Qs,

can you shuffle populations across towns? (short of enslaving a new settlement)

how the heck do you pin down an army that constantly flees/withraws from you? (ambush from forest?)

with the retrain thingy, can you retrain units to different units? instead of disbanding and then recruiting new ones.

had a look at the realism mod and sounds interesting with lots of plus and minuses :)

kinda fits roughly how i play in civ mod, turtle like but i like battles to be fast and bliztkrieg like. i'm a fan of cavalry which err is probably the opposite of roman warfare. when i have the army setup how i like, i like to just constantly push forward with momentum

might give a go when i play abit more with vanilla rome

is the barbarian expansion worth it?
Move plagued units from an infected city into another they get the plague, friendly city or enemy city.

Population toggling can be done...sort recruiting peasants and then disbanding them in a city the population increases.

However lots of these buggy things are tweaked out of the Realism Mod.
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