Room Booking Software

15 Dec 2004

Could anyone recommend me some free room booking software for use in a school? The one we are using at the minute won't accept any new bookings and it becomes unusable when someone tries to add a room. Any recommendations would be great :)


theres some free php ones floating about, probably on If not it shouldn't be too hard to make a simple one up in php, if you know the language of course.
If you have MS Exchange you could setup shared calenders for bookings.

Alternativley I think you are going to need to seek out somthing custom made.

Its not a small task and there are a number of approaches you could take. The approaches available to you would depend on what your current systems were and, I guess, how much you would want to spend.

How 'IT-oriented' is the school? i.e. does every person who would want to be booking rooms have access to a PC on a regular basis?

If you have a local University and they have a Computing department then it might be worth contacting them as this could be the makings of a Final Year Undergraduate Project.

I agree with JustinW, Exchange would be best.

Where I work they have use Meeting Room Manager and seem pleased with it.
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