
27 Oct 2010
I think rooney is the most over rated player ever same as ronaldo rooney last year fair play to him scored 34 goals in all but none of them were great goals that would have u up off of ur chair most of his goals were headers or tapins from 8 yards out and the pfa going to rooney was a disgrace droga scored so many great goals got more goals and assists than rooney yet they decide to give it to rooney it's just cos drogba is black and rooney is english. Also i think when Torres is on form he is the best striker in the world, what do u guys think?
ok a lot of people disagree with ronaldo being over rated i will explain why i think he is RONALDO HAS NEVER PLAYED GREAT IN ANY BIG GAME FACT, he always scored 2-3 goals against bolton's and wigans but when it came to big premier league games like liverpool or chelsea how many times did we see him diving complainging to his team mates and not doing anything for his team in europe that stands to oh wait he scored a free header against chelsea in the final so hard to do that. For rooney he even said it himself without valencia he wouldn't have scored half the goals he did for me valencia was united best player last year.
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