Ross Noble DVD - Randomist

3 Jan 2006
Awesome - This Geordie is simply brilliant. I've now watched everything on this 4 disk dvd (reasonably priced too 13 Sterling)

Basically he's a stand up comedian who improvises a hell of a lot. The main feature on the dvd is a show done in Newcastle and it's 2 1/2 hours long. Twice aslong as Ricky Gervais or Jimmy Carr. If your not sure what he's like then go on youtube or googlevideo etc and do a search.

I'll be buying tickets for his next lot of shows whenever they're released. Beg borrow or steal it you'll love it.

Anyone else seen him live?
Bobster said:
Ross Noble is quality. A mate of mine was in the same class at school as him in Cramlington.

I have the box set mentioned but i couldnt help but be disappointed with the sound quality on a couple of the DVD's.

Apart from that it is side splittingley funny.

Fiddyyyyyyy!! :p :D That had me creased.

yeah i agree i couldn't believe that it sounded so rubbish it was as if the gig was recorded from the back of the hall via video camera then a professional dvd recorded via soundboard or whatever.
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