Rough insurance cost?

1 Dec 2002
Hi. I'm thinking about doing the direct access test, but before I commit I would like to get a feel for ongoing costs, particularly insurance. I will do very few miles - live in London and so won't be commuting, plus sometimes the car is required.

As I say I live in London and the bike would be parked on the road. I'm not sure if anyone is familiar, but they have a number of bike spaces with metal loops, presumably for securing with a chain, etc. There is one just by my front door which would be convenient.

I was thinking of going down the route of something like a 600 CBR.

I put my details into a insurance comparison website (not that they ever work for me really) and the best quote comes back as £1500. Is this realistic, or what should be expected? I would particularly interest to hear from people living in London as insurance seems to be in a whole new bracket here.
Yes what a comparison website says is going to be roughly correct, though you may get it slightly cheaper after phoning the companies directly. I can imagine London being expensive. It's obviously realistic as that's what companies are quoting you? You don't say what type of cover that price is for so it's hard for anyone to say if it's reasonable. Make sure you fill out the quote as if you had a full licence.
Good luck.
What age are you?

I'm 18 and insured my SV for £350 TPFT, or £500 FC. CBR600 i was looking at £900-1000 FC.

This is with one year NCB though, and living in London wont help you.
You live in London.

Prepare to be shafted.

Indeed. I'm undecided. At c.£1500 it represents a substantial number per likely mile, added together with the other non mile adjusted fixed costs.

I'm 25. 5 years NCB on car, although I guess that doesn't carry over/benefit.
Nope, car NCBs don't count. I have 9+ on a car and 0 on a bike.

I got a new 2010 Suzuki gsf650f and Full Comp costs £500 with 0 NCB.
Is there no way you can get it into the garden and a shed? It dropped my insurance well over a grand in London.
I have no idea what type of area you live in, but I would not be comfortable leaving my bike out on the street every night, even in a nice area... all I can say is when you do get a reasonable quote, make it as hard to steal as possible, but really they're still going to take it if they want it! Bad times.
for a £1000 bike i REALLY wouldnt go fully comp. TPF&T everytime.

Its probably because you're a new rider, in a high-risk area (well, in London tbh).

Try Devitts, Carole Nash, Roadsure (now premium choice) i've had good prices on all, currently with Devitts who managed to lop £180 off my £380 quote.
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Nope, car NCBs don't count. I have 9+ on a car and 0 on a bike.

I got a new 2010 Suzuki gsf650f and Full Comp costs £500 with 0 NCB.

To fill in the rest of the info i forgot...

Im 36 and live in Lancashire. In wintertime my bike lives in a metal shed. In the summertime it lives just behind the house extension.

Its alarm/imob. with a datatool, ground anchored with chain around the frame and disclocked too.
depends on the CBR too, I had a CBR600F 1997, cost me £400 TPFT, now i've moved to my CBR600RR5 it's £700. Do some quotes, see what comes up
Passed June this year. 2003 Hornet 600 costs me £91 a year to insure :x thats with my other on it too! Garage, 1000 miles PA with bennetts. I am 26, her 24.
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