Roundabout Rules?

15 Aug 2011
Hey Guys
Just checking my sanity here!
In the below image, the lower numbers are the travelling path to the exit on the upper side!
Now I always take 1 path, and I sometimes get a lot get people driving on the 2 path. The exit on the top of the picture is a single lane with a slightly larger expanded entrance to the road!

I was always taught never to cross a white line in a roundabout if possible, hence I take the outer lane!

Yesterday I had an old guy pull away at the same time as me on the lower numbers and try to squeeze in on the exit, then proceeded to scream out of his window, gave him a friendly wave and drove on :).

I probably should have checked the highway code in the first place, found this on the NI gov page. As close as an example I could find!

Found it. Left lane is straight on based on the sign post, but following it through on Streetview this feels wrong. I expect the locals take lane 2 normally?!1sm0_tUEQDJcVMlneq_HaQYQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Sorry mate, I thought you meant signs directing you to take a specific lane!

Some people take 1, some take 2. If I find im next to someone on the exit I usually give it a bit to pull away then take my normal time going through the roundabout.
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