Hi - i have recently bought a US Robotics 8000a 4 port router off Fleabay, and the power supply was missing so checked the required spec, and it needs a 5v 2amp supply.
I emailed the seller and he sent me a 5v 1 amp supply, but is this good enough ?
A friend has cobbled together a 5v 2 amp supply from a printer ( i think ) and had to do a bit of jiggery pokery with the connector, which wasnt the right type on his cobbled job. It was supposed to be a barrel type, but he sorted it ok. And its working - just looks ugly !
Now, what on earth is in a router that requires such a big ampege ( 2 ) and can i use this 5v 1amp supply instead ?
I wasnt a happy bunny as the seller said this router was brand new, boxed, so why was the supply missing ? Still thats another story
I emailed the seller and he sent me a 5v 1 amp supply, but is this good enough ?
A friend has cobbled together a 5v 2 amp supply from a printer ( i think ) and had to do a bit of jiggery pokery with the connector, which wasnt the right type on his cobbled job. It was supposed to be a barrel type, but he sorted it ok. And its working - just looks ugly !
Now, what on earth is in a router that requires such a big ampege ( 2 ) and can i use this 5v 1amp supply instead ?
I wasnt a happy bunny as the seller said this router was brand new, boxed, so why was the supply missing ? Still thats another story