routing 2.1 sound from 360 through speaker card help

5 May 2004
have now realised my pc which is connected to the same monitor as 360 is always on when i play 360

im now getting fed up of routing round the back of the sub to swap cables

i hear theres a way you can route the sound from the 360 to the mic in on the soundcard and swap over from desktop

how do you do this please and what settings

card is the cheapy soundblaster audigy s/e 7.1 about 15 quid it was but it has mic in

many thanks
Err your wordings nasty. But what i do is use a xbox VGA cable which splits the sound into two cables, which are then combined by the adaptor so they can go into a line in.
Then you just need to "de-mute" the line in and, heypresto, sound through the computer.

in what way is my wording nasty mate.

I have sorted this out now i just got a 2rca into 1 3.5mm adapter and plugged this into my line in on pc card.

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