You are suggesting that I should connect one NIC to the router and another to the internal switch, which the router is already connected to and then enable ICS on my Fedora 14 Linux box even though, as specified in the text and title of this post, I do not require or even want forwarding between the NICs.
Erm, not quite no!
Going by how I read your post, and I appologise if I am missing something, you want to have NIC1 talkign to the internet and NIC 2 talking to the switch and yet you have both NICs connected to the switch.
I simply said or meant, that you should have one NIC talking to the MODEM and the other talking to the Switch. Then the one thats talking to the switch, if you enable ICS on that, it will allow any7 other PCs that are connected to the switch, to also communicate with the outside world via ICS on NIC1
As the two NICs are not the same, one being an Intel 1000/Pro and the other not, disconnecting one will not give me exactly the same results as both NICs have different feature sets.
Ok, So, its a gigabit NIC, other than, I have to ask... So what?
In order to make full use of that, you also need any other devices plus your switch to also be gigabit, and I will assume they all are, but again, so what? All NICs can go at the lower speeds, so it makes no difference.
Im confused?
The HP Procurve 1810-24 is a web managed switch which will allow link aggregation so I can bond the two NICs to provide a pseudo 2Gb connection if I wanted to. Connecting both NICs to the same switch can give me the potential of double bandwidth. I am not doing this at present as I would prefer to have both NICs the same. Thanks for your reply though....
Oh, ok, so now you are getting clearer, but again, why would you want to double the bandwidth and then set each NIC to a different task?
Isnt that pretty much the same as setting up a RAID array and then wanting access to the individual drives instead of the array?
What I would like to do is have one NIC dedicated for internet traffic and one dedicated for internal traffic. I can set either or both up for internet traffic easily enough and bond them but am unsure as to how I would set-up a NIC for internal only traffic if it has access to the Internet router via the switch.
So the question remains.
How to config two NICs, one for only local subnet traffic and the other of only non local subnet traffic via a specific router.
I see. I think?
But the idea still really does confuse me.
I clearly cannot help you here, but I have to know why you are trying this?
As you said, you want to tie them up to make a 2GB connection, but then set one to be WEB and one to be LAN )
Can you not see how this sounds?
Dont get me wrong, but that to me, really does sound a bit nutty.
unless of course your internet is a 1GB internet package and then why tie them up in the first place only to then split them up again?