Rowing machine - concept D or E

16 Nov 2012
I'm looking at getting a few bits of gym equipment to go into a garden studio over the next few months and I have been looking at the Concept range of rowing machines as the first purchase but I'm struggling to see justification in getting the E model over the D as the both come with the latest consul.

Does anyone have a practical knowledge of the two models which would allow you to give me a more informative opinion.

Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your input - there does seem little point on spending the extra for the E plus I guess the money saved can be spent on a Matt and heart monitor.
I have ordered the concept d with pm5 - due to land next week so just gives me time to clear room in the cinema room as a temporary location until I can get the garden gym/studio sorted which is on another thread.

Thanks again for your input.
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