Royale Noir: secret XP theme uncovered!

26 Aug 2003

not sure this has been posted yet .. tried a quickie search didnt turn up anything so

Royale Noir: secret XP theme uncovered!

"sometime after the launch of XP, somewhere in Redmond, someone on the Microsoft design team was in the progress of developing something for Media Center. It was believed to be too powerful for public consumption and forever archived in the servers at 1 Microsoft Way. Now 3 years later, a young hobbit man by the name of W3bbo saw light of this unheard of theme, and traveled far and wide to uncover its mysteries. One theme to find. One theme to upload. One theme to rule them all."


ive downloaded and installed and works nice .. looks good too :)

Clicky Here to visit the site

no pimping please!
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well i cant take credit for the find .. just passing on some info posted elsewhere

on a further note .. now tried and tested in x64 and works .. had to rename file after pasting in as it auto named it luna .. but rename and working a treat in x64 too

not the best ever but its different .. and its working without further apps or hacks .. just paste in click and go :)
Al Vallario said:
The rest of the Internet heard about this a couple of days ago.

Likewise, the rest of the Internet were clued up on this six days ago


Fair comment though i never claimed to be first to know of it :p .. i dont trawl the net .. i use a limited number of forums i just gave a heads up here as a part payback to all the good things this forum has done for me over time :)

i did a search and neither the things i mentioned had appeared here that i could find so although old compared to the 'rest of the net' they were still new here

as for the forum News Shack its small and insignificant to most but i like it so i use it not forcing anyone to visit or sign up ... but im giving them credit for where i first encountered the news :) like many others do for bigger better know sites & forums
Al Vallario said:
It wasn't so much the fact that he was telling people about the theme which got me, it was his insistence on using the information to plug this forum which, having a look around, he seems to play an active part in (Whether or not that constitutes a violation of the rules of this forum is down to interpretation, but I'd say it does).

I was merely pointing out that, whilst he may have heard about it on a message board, both pieces of information were front page content on a site viewed by (I'm guessing) millions of people each day, a few days ago. I expect the popularity these nuggets of information gained from that sort of exposure meant that it has most likely cropped up on countless thousands of message boards, blogs and tech. news websites in that period of time. By all means share said information with the community, but I wouldn't follow every single piece with a plug for a message board you plucked it from.


in responce to this .. yeah im an active founding member of the forum site i mentioned i dont deny or try to conceal that .. but its irrelevant in my eyes as i would have mentioned whichever site i first got the info from as i believe its right to credit a site or person for the info ...

as for if it breaks this forums rules .. i dont believe it does as its neither a competitor nor a commercial site .. and many others credit and mention forums as their source of info so why i would be treated differently is beyond me .. if a don feels forum rules have been broken then i will bow to their veiws and never mention any source of info or include links ever again and expect all others to be treated with that same rule .. id also like to point out i never actually linked to the forum in question but the original article only the forum name was mentioned no links excpet in my sig that has been there longer anyway

i didnt force anyone to check out anything or even ask them too .. i just said was where i got the info from and i was not the original poster of the info .. i felt it a nice gesture to give something back to this forum in return for info i had gained over recent years

im glad i gave some people some nice info and dont regret it and neither do i regret mentioning the source of the info even if im involved with the site

i wont reply again i will let others decide for themselves which view is right or wrong and i will restrict all further posting of info here and restrict myself to the forum in my sig only if people believe rules have been breached
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