RPM + Battery Power

28 Jan 2005
Hi all

When I am driving during the day my car sits at just on or just over the 1000 rpm mark, I have my radio and my blowers on sometimes. Now at night when I have them on + my lights it will drop to about 700-800 and the car feels like it does just before it stalls but it will drive fine once I increase the rpm with my accelerator. I have a little thing on my battery and it says it’s charged but probably inaccurate, its 3years + old now.

Is this my problem, an uncharged battery?
SgtTupac said:
It drops because you are "loading" the car. Your draining battery power causing the alternator to run more power. its ok :)

I have not noticed it before only recently, will charging the battery help?
moss said:
No the alternator should be doing that for you, its probably the alternator or battery on the way out.

Which is it most likly to be the battery was bought in 2002 and i dont know about the alternator. The car is "P Reg" so 96-97
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