RRS takes out Bikers in NYC!

18 Jan 2004
Read this on the daily fail but the footage is crazy. Have to admit (as an ex-biker even) that if my family were in the car and 100 bikers were looking to exact some revenge id have done exactly the same.

reports coming out that 1 biker was killed and the driver was later beaten into a coma. Where were the police!

Thanks for posting that YT video and not directing traffic to the Daily Fail.

The daily fail vid had some stupid ads for 30s at the start so i posted the original on YT. Whats the issue? not like DM is adding a load of actual journalism is it.

What caused the bikers to surround the RR in the first place? :confused:

looks like that biker in blue jeans/ white jacket at 24 seconds to me. He starts decelerating and the car runs into him by the looks of it.

I was half expecting the guy in the RRS to come out shooting. If you had a concealed carry permit he could have been locked and loaded once they started to bash his windows in!
Was him nudging the first bike in the first place necessary, no he could have stopped, I actually cant see any brake lights on the bike that brake tests him.

shows how much you know. a big bike decelerates very quickly due to engine braking. in a fairly high gear you just drop the accelerator and its like heavy braking to those behind.

im a biker, and that gang were out for trouble. simple as that.

I half expected the guy in the RRS to be toting a gun and he would have been well within his rights to start shooting as soon as the guy made an attempt to pull him out - he was by definition in fear of his life.. im guessing that is just what would have happened if this was in some other US states.
been in NYC last few days and this is still very much in the news over here. This mornings news reckons 8 of the bikers have been arrested so far (including 1 who is a police detective!) and they have mugshots on the TV for another 4. One of them has been in court and got $100,000 bail conditions.
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