30 Jan 2007
PA, USA (Orig UK)
IBM RSA... when touching parent JSP files isn't guaranteed to work... :rolleyes: :mad:

Proving a fix worked today, and worked well... and then tried an optional 'if' in the jsp, decided against it, so removed it, saved... touched all the parent files (2 layers)... and won't work as it did before... debug mode/sysout etc... should be working... but the jsp won't change.. lol.

That's aside from the random crashes/out of memory/failing to publish etc. Over 7 years of dev work this has been the worst IDE I've ever used lol.
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Normally you don't have to delete the compiled class, it replaces it.... but maybe it's an affect of running with Clearcase as well that's causing issues. I've resorted to using jsp:include to force it to compile at runtime. I'll replace them with %@include when I'm done. About to test..... now. Having to run a million and one XML config scripts first lol. damnit.

Another RSA special.. now having to clean and rebuild.. removing projects from the server so they actually work... lol. It isn't like this with raw Eclipse.... it's the 'special' that IBM have added to it... I think they are called features.

Update: didn't work lol.
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Well.. as it turns out... it was the way that I'd changed using struts, rather than the way RSA was handling JSP's. For the record you don't need to clear the cache of generated files, you just need to touch the parent jsp's, and then refresh the browser (normally Cntrl + F5).

In this case, I had gone from just using a named 'getter', to having to use the qualified name of the object AND the named getter. The odd behaviour turned out to be, because the result was coming back blank from the getter (because of a bad ref by me), it was redirecting to the local host.

School boy error? Perhaps. More like.. I'd shown someone else what I was doing and they quickly added a reference to a strut action, and I hadn't realised the impact, which caused a lot of head scratching yesterday.
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