RT news thoughts on

3 Oct 2014
A couple of times I've been channel switching and found myself watching interviews with interesting people on RT.

Cross Talk is also a specially focused debate show, people with different opinions. Sure you can get their slant on things which is usually as prominent as Sky / BBC and nearly guaranteed to be the opposite view which is fun to hear.

What other news channel would you get one to one half hour interviews discussing quantum physics with Michio Kaku and Jim Khalili.

Sorry, I've just reread this and it comes across like I'm an RT salesman

RT is the Russian government's official propaganda channel. It's notorious for fake news and anti-western commentary.

Unsurprisingly, RT was founded by a former Soviet bureaucrat.

I find how BBC / Sky do tout their side of a story just as in your face as RT can be. It's good to watch both.
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