Rts game info required

28 Aug 2011
Hellow everyone not been on here for a while just a couple of quick questions, i have build 2 gaming pcs in the past then sold them as rts games not released to often i live games like the total war series and red alert etc but not often out so end up selling them pretty quickly as hate things sitting about not getting used, i purchased a ps4 snd thats now doing exactly the same thing, you think eventually rts games will come to consoles ?

And what games are coming soon to pc rts style games i know attila is already out and looks good and warhammer one coming out, i have never played cossaks but heard its good and 3rd one due to come out, is there many other decent ones due for release ? I am asking as thinking of selling ps4 and building another pc but will have to keep the next one lol i always worry if only few games every few years the hardware will quickly get old but ps4 hsrdwsre etc doesnt change

any help or info would be great
thanks dean
Thanks for the replys never really looked at turned based games whats the difference I will have a look properly when get home, just love building basses and large armys, last 2 computers I spent around £400-450 and plaed the total war games brilliantly, I am going to be leaving the next one in sitting room connected to my TV so hopefully get more use out of it when everyone in bed as no longer have a spare room anyway, so anyone else know good games due out war hammer total war Cossacks 3 any more ?

Yeah start craft looked good but never played it though and age of mythology and age of empires were great, maybe eventually rts will be on ps4 when u plug in a mouse and keyboard but don't think anytime soon you think the budget of £450 will build a decent rig that will play the newest total war on high setting ?

Thanks again dean
Wow great list of rts and I have played a few but not all of them, I need to build another pc and this time KEEP IT , might sell ps4 to fund half it at least, I managed 2 times before so hopefully be ok, will £450 be enough for a decent pc to play total war etc in high specs just for the pc itself don't need monitor etc.

Do ssd hard drives make pc run much faster etc along side a normal hdd ? Would love alienware laptop but not shelling out £1000+ So build a pc it is, also looked and the turn based games and not a fan sorry

Thanks dean
you think the budget of £450 would buy a decent gaming pc to play total war etc on high settings, will just connect up to my tv as going to buy a 4k one soon also any info on questions above would be great

thanks dean
Supreme Commander forged alliance looked really good for £10 I will have to check it out and thanks everyone for your help I will ask for a spec in the hardware forum soon

thanks and hope for more rts games in future:)
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