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RTX 4090 CPU Bottleneck & Stuttering

Sorry if you’ve already done it but have you tried swapping the gpus from the two PCs?
Hello - replaced the gpu and every other component and still same issue so it is technically a new build. The games I am mainly having issues with now is farcry 6, guardians of galaxy, red dead 2 which has huge fps lows every minute or so causing a microstutter

Got any wireless peripherals?
I had weird latency issues using an xbox pad over bluetooth. There was a firmware update for the controller.
Got any wireless peripherals?
I had weird latency issues using an xbox pad over bluetooth. There was a firmware update for the controller.
I use elite controller but it’s wired in now but I have the same issues keyboard and mouse. Thing is everything does seem fine but some games are just terrible on it and I’m not sure why. Feel like every game should be flawless on my rig but think I am
Probably giving myself to high expectations
Having the same issue here..

Gigabyte OC 4080
Corsair vengeance ddr4 3800mhz cl14
Asus tuf z690

All slightly overclocked but have tried stock settings and still stutters in some games. It seems to stutter when nvidia control panel loads on boot and sometimes when opening display options in some games. Might be related to a hardware call.

I also have the monitor being picked up as 1440p rather than 4k. HUD in games render at 1440p even when changed to 4k. It's as if my monitor is default read at 2560x1440 60fps
Hi All

My main PC is an i7 12700k with 32 GB 5600 MHz DDR5 RAM and MSI Gaming X Trio RTX 4090. It runs any game I throw at it buttery smooth at 4K high FPS without any stutter and only minor FPS drops which are unnoticeable due to Nvidia GSync.

My bedroom PC is a i7 10700k with 32 GB 3200 MHz DDR4 RAM and MSI Ventus RTX 4090. My bedroom PC runs the same 4K games anywhere from 20 - 30 FPS slower than my main PC. This is after enabling MSI’s game boost feature CPU overlock in the motherboard BIOS of my bedroom PC. Before enabling MSI game boost I was getting 30 - 40 FPS less on my bedroom PC than my main PC.

What’s most frustrating is that sometimes when the FPS drops the bedroom PC will intermittently stutter for a micro second in all the games I tested Witcher 3 next-gen, Cyberpunk 2077 and Watch Dogs Legion. My main PC does not stutter at all. The stuttering on the bedroom PC is intermittent and doesn’t happen all the time but it’s frustrating when it does happen. The intermittent stutter and frame drops are very noticeable despite having Nvidia GSync enabled.

I’m putting this down to a CPU bottleneck with the 10700k not being able to keep up with the mighty RTX 4090 but I’m surprised if that’s the case. Everyone is always saying that CPU bottlenecks don’t occur much at 4K resolution only at 1440p or lower. It’s the reason why most tech reviewers will only benchmark games at 1080p and 1440p not 4K.

The bedroom PC is a clean install of Windows 11 and the system passes 3DMark Timespy stress tests without any issues.

I wanted to check with you all if I’m right and this is definitely due to a CPU bottleneck? I really don’t want to shell out on a new CPU and motherboard but I might need to as gaming on the 10700k system with the RTX 4090 is unplayable and takes away the enjoyment of games.

Please let me know your thoughts? Any help or advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
Why have you got 2 PC's? can't you just use your main PC to play all your games.
Having the same issue here..

Gigabyte OC 4080
Corsair vengeance ddr4 3800mhz cl14
Asus tuf z690

All slightly overclocked but have tried stock settings and still stutters in some games. It seems to stutter when nvidia control panel loads on boot and sometimes when opening display options in some games. Might be related to a hardware call.

I also have the monitor being picked up as 1440p rather than 4k. HUD in games render at 1440p even when changed to 4k. It's as if my monitor is default read at 2560x1440 60fps
Some games are poorly optimised Gotham Knight for example runs like crap even with a 4090.
Hi, I just registered to say I have the EXACT same problems as @netarangi . Stuttering varies according to the game, but it is extremely annoying in RDR2 and Metro Exodus, for example. I'm wondering if it's a VRAM problem, and maybe my 4090 is faulty...
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Noticed some people having 'issues' are running DLSS with a 4090. Only on a few games like CP2077 with crazy RT you might use DLSS. Most games @ 4k 120hz you dont need DLSS. Do not apply DLSS globally in NV control panel - in game only if required. DLSS renders atr a lower resolution 2560x1440 then upscales to 4k. DLSS is there when framerates generally are low. Always run a game native 1st - if framerates are low THEN use DLSS. Running DLSS where your panel is recognised at QHD will mean your 4090 is doing nothing as it will be CPU bottlenecked.

With 4090 run games native - don't use graphical presets either - Start on preset then turn off all the rubbish like blur - you don't need really high anti aliasing either.

OP 2x 4090's in apartment - I like how you roll :cool:
Metro Exodus enhanced runs great on my 4090 - the DLC does not though, Sams Story i get stuttering and drops into the 60's with DLSS on (acutally it seems like DLSS is borked on it)
Could you please record a benchmark an put it here?

These are my results

From CapFrameX (just and extra I wanted to share)

I have the 13900K as well, are these stutterings really CPU bottlenecking? These are my settings:
Could you please record a benchmark an put it here?

These are my results

From CapFrameX (just and extra I wanted to share)

I have the 13900K as well, are these stutterings really CPU bottlenecking? These are my settings:

Top slide says DLSS is on, bottom says off - don't benchmark with DLSS on in fact not many games even at 4k will require DLSS, especially ultra performance - GPU is doing nothing I imagine - even at native 3840x1600 I'd expect a 4090 to be CPU bottlenecked. If 3840x1600 is your native res - you wont need DLSS. Dunno how polished metro benchmark is, especially with RT ultra. Lots of older games with added RT are poorly optimized add ons.particularly those added to older games. You can't polish a terd.
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