With all the articles about this issue I'm a bit scared about the bending. I will get the 12HPWR from cablemod and i'm gonna grab their 90 degree adapter but well i would like to be sure if it's ok so far.
Also, I've limited to power slider to 80% and the card isn't pushing more than 350W (no difference in FPS actually), does it make it safer?
I have a P600S case and i was wondering if needed, if there was other cases with similar performance in airflow and noise but with a wider clearance between PCIE and GPU? We always have the lenght clearance for GPU but few brands are disclosing the height of it.
Also have anyone of you experiences undervolting on it? I've seen videos abouyt someone putting his card at 900mv / 8.% power limit and +1500on memory with good results. Should I try something similar and could it help with coil whine?
Thanks a lot
With all the articles about this issue I'm a bit scared about the bending. I will get the 12HPWR from cablemod and i'm gonna grab their 90 degree adapter but well i would like to be sure if it's ok so far.
Also, I've limited to power slider to 80% and the card isn't pushing more than 350W (no difference in FPS actually), does it make it safer?
I have a P600S case and i was wondering if needed, if there was other cases with similar performance in airflow and noise but with a wider clearance between PCIE and GPU? We always have the lenght clearance for GPU but few brands are disclosing the height of it.
Also have anyone of you experiences undervolting on it? I've seen videos abouyt someone putting his card at 900mv / 8.% power limit and +1500on memory with good results. Should I try something similar and could it help with coil whine?
Thanks a lot

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