Rubber strips in roof bars, do i remove them when i fit the box?

19 Aug 2005
Beds, UK
Hi All

After a royal faff of getting a roof box sorted for my holiday next week, i have a question. The new "T track" roof bars ive bought and fitted have a rubber strip you press into the grooves of the bars (helps stop the noise apparently). So when i come to fit the box, am i supposed to cut and refit these rubber trims around the screws that hold the box on? or do i just leave them off, and refit them when i take the box off the car?

Thanks guys
Can you send a picture?

With mine, the rubber strips still allow you to slide mounting point along the bar.

As an aside, when strips were not fitted properly there was an annoying whistling sound at 60mph+, so doubt you want to just leave them off.

/edit - this was for "wingbars".
Its these ones,


but they all seem to have the same sort of thing. some of the thule ones have an integrated rubber bit that the box mounting screws mount on top of. But all the other brands that ive seen, have something similar.

The strip is to stop the noise, but with the box in, most of it would be covered anyway
I have the same ones on the volvo. You are supposed to cut them around what your mounting, however if what you're installing is only there briefly there's no reason you can't just remove and reinstall after.

With the thule and tesla roof bars I have the rubber stays in situ.
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