rubbish machine

13 Mar 2025
I wasted nearly two grand on this pile of crap so called computer in december. Im going to give up on it, throw the useless thing away and buy one from a firm that knows how to make computers. All overclockers could suggest was 'send it back' which is not practical for a number of reasons. Im sick of constant crashes, refusals to open, or load, or start and error messages. Its a rotten machine and the very last I will ever buy from overclockers. They should be ashamed of sending out such a duff and rubbishy product. And special thanks to the help team with their one piece of worthless advice-if they had built it properly in the first place I wouldnt have to 'send it back' would I?
Because I failed to keep the box, expecting it to work like all my other machines have, because i doubt I would ever see it again, because it would get even more battered on the journey each way, Anyway, the problems include constant cutting out for a variety of error messages, very slow running on even simple games,let alone the mess it makes of BG3 or similar, the fans running loud enough to drown out the room, which I could understand if it was five years old and hadn't been cleaned, rather than brand new, and no, im not getting inside it and fiddling about, any more that I do with a new car, I would be much more likely to do more damage than to put anything right. I ordered a new PC, not a DIY repair project.
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