Rule changes in 2013

24 Dec 2006
Good morning all!

I am 37 in a few weeks and have been riding 50/125cc bikes and scooters, off-and-on since i was 17 (on a CBT). I passed my full car test in 1992.

I currently have a 125cc scooter that i commute on, but i would like to be able to ride a geared 600cc in the near future, so obviously need to complete the process. I have been revising and plan on doing my theory test soon.

If i fail to complete the theory test, MOD 1 and 2 before 19 Jan 2013 i understand some profound changes are going to make their presence felt....can anyone explain how? If i follow the DAS route?
At 37 you don't need to worry about it. The changes to the rules make the progression to a larger bike for people aged between 17 and 24 much more complicated. Basically instead of two bike sizes (125cc & 500cc) they've made it into 3 (125cc, 400cc, 600cc), pushed the DAS age up from 21 to 24, and removed the fact that after 2 years the licence will upgrade automatically. Now you have to do a separate test for each level of progression.

However, as you're over 24 you can jump straight to the DAS test and treat it the same as it currently is.

I found this explanation from one of my local bike schools to be fairly well explained:
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As Grimbough says at your age there really is'nt any difference in doing the DAS next year, apart from it will have to be done on a 600cc bike instead of a 500cc.

Im currently studying and gonna do my theroy shortly, then put myself through the mod 1/2 on my 125 before the end of the year (for the restricted license), as its a far cheaper option for myself then a DAS, if i don't manage to do that in time before the rules change then i'll just do a DAS next year.

Under the new rules next year if i did the tests on a 125 id be stuck on a 125 license, so the new rules for those over 24 really are about what bike the tests are done is to what license you will have.
At 37 you will be fine. Although I will say to complete your theory test before you start the DAS course.

I know that the theory is included but if you fail it you may have to wait 2 weeks or more which will just delay your DAS course (worse if you have to book holiday from work for the DAS course). Also if you do end up doing the theory beforehand then try to get the cost of that taken off the cost fo the DAS course:)

I found the theory the hardest part (hazard perception videos are just grim lol)

Hope this helps in any way.
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