Are run flats more susceptible to deformation and blow outs (not excluding punctures) than non-rf tyres?
I ask as I've had more go in the last couple months than I have over previous years and the only difference is they are RF's.
Reading around it appears many Goodyear run flat owners encounter bulging, is this just a Goodyear thing perhaps? as I cannot find many reports of other brands. Or is it a Run flat issue due to design?
From the design difference alone, I can't see why they would be weaker - but from real world examples they do appear that way...
I ask as I've had more go in the last couple months than I have over previous years and the only difference is they are RF's.
Reading around it appears many Goodyear run flat owners encounter bulging, is this just a Goodyear thing perhaps? as I cannot find many reports of other brands. Or is it a Run flat issue due to design?
From the design difference alone, I can't see why they would be weaker - but from real world examples they do appear that way...