
15 Jan 2011
Just looking at some posts in the PC Games section on here, and realize some people play Runescape.

I've played for about 7 years now, do many others play that are on OcUK?



Clan now formed - Enter "Overclockers UK" clan chat as a guest to request an invite!
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I've got the charter to create a clan for OCUK.

I need 5 names on the sheet so the clan can be created.

I need to use it on each player in game at the clan citadel portal in Falador to get a name on the sheet.

If you would like to join, Add "Slaying It" and we'll meet in-game :)
I'm in. My only concern is ranks in the clan. How will the top ranks be decided? Will the founding members receive the top ranks or will we vote on it?

I've added you and will give you a PM when I see you online.

No problem, I'm online just now for the rest of the day.

I guess it will go by activity in the clan as to what rank you gain; That seems to be what most clans go by in Runescape now, that and attendance to activities etc.

I don't really think it will be an activity clan though, but I suppose if it gets to a average sized clan people can manage events by themselves.

I think founding members should have a higher rank to start with, as they contributed to create the clan, and obviously will be the oldest members within the clan also.

What are your idea's for ranks etc? I haven't really delved into it much, I've only been in friends chats etc.
Killing "Experiments" in the Experiment Cave give you very good exp. They have 1250 life points, Low Defence & Low Max Hit (I think it's something stupidly low like 10, and they hardly ever hit).

They are the best exp/hr, but they are boring as hell. You need to complete a quest to get into the cave.
The old-school playerbase is still rising steadily, I am unsure about RS3, both are still fun :)

Oldschool auto-typer is now out, delete your auto typers as there is no need for them anymore!
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