Running a 2 ohm sub from a 4 ohm output

18 Oct 2002

I have purchsed an Alpine F345 amplifier and an Alpine dual cone 4 ohm subwoofer. The amplifier will run two speakers on channel 3/4 at 2 ohms each but will only drive a 4 ohm load when the 3/4 outputs are bridged.

I can only get 8 ohms with the sub cones wired in series and 2 ohms with the sub cones wired in parallel.

The best option would have been to go for a 2 ohm per cone sub as I could have then run them in series to create a 4 ohm load but I'd rather keep the sub I have now. I have wired up the sub as a 2 ohm load and it works but will I cause any damage to the amplifier if I continue to run it in this configuration?

Also a quick question; when you bridge a load are you doubling the voltage across it?

TIA :)
Thinking about it couldn't I just run each cone to their individual channels, thus giving a 4 ohm load on each channel? ...Actually no that's wrong because you'd have a left channel and a right channel cone in a sub. :(
Exactly my thinking, left and right imbalances wouldn't be a good idea. I guess I'll have to return the sub, that'll serve me for not researching the specifications properly beforehand!
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