Running A Website Daily - Requirements

27 Jun 2006
I harbour thoughts of going wild and creating a 10/11 page website - which would need to be updated on a daily basis.

I've only ever run a forum based website so I've never had to update much bar the IPB versions.

The idea of adding pages and updating domains and so on is something that has only gone on in my mind - the idea itself of running the website is fairly recent but one that I would be fairly willing to get behind.

I'm toying with the idea of databases and all of that - but I'm not sure it's the way to go. Whilst the website templates for every page would be more or less exact bar a few relative changes to the pages - the "table" content will be changed completely.

Now, the alternative is overwriting the existing pages in the FTP with their newer, fresher and updated versions. Is this a technique that is still deployed or am I living in the 1996 Internet world? :D

Furthermore, how safe is the latter technique? Do you have to change folder settings everytime you're in the FTP and want to do something or is it something that can be left: I ask because my uploads folder of my IPB board got 'hacked' by someone who dropped an index page into the appropriate folder - although I would assume that folder would have slacker settings to allow for 'self-upload' on the board (i.e. without my say-so)?

A lot of rubbish talk there, but hopefully the basics (of something) are there.

If you're going to be updating the site everyday, changing individual HTML files is going to get tiresome.

You'll need some sort of database and content management system, allowing you to simply login, update, and log out. Without messing around with FTP each time.
Is the content management - just like changing the content without touching the templates?

Ideally that would be suitable - but how difficult is it to set up? I'm not expecting to walk in and just know - but does it entail a long list of things to learn, do and fix?
Is it a Web log that you are wishing to create? If so there are plenty of free templates out there to download they generally come with readme files that tell you the requirements for running the script as well as installation instructions. Most of these script packages are secure well designed with plent of extras and facilities for customization.

Creating a dynamic content website from scratch without existing knowledge of one of the key languages ASP or PHP would be very labour intensive but rewarding.

If you explain to us what content you are wanting to display im sure we can point you in the correct direction. Do you have any hosting yet?
MaxPower said:
Is it a Web log that you are wishing to create? If so there are plenty of free templates out there to download they generally come with readme files that tell you the requirements for running the script as well as installation instructions. Most of these script packages are secure well designed with plent of extras and facilities for customization.

Creating a dynamic content website from scratch without existing knowledge of one of the key languages ASP or PHP would be very labour intensive but rewarding.

If you explain to us what content you are wanting to display im sure we can point you in the correct direction. Do you have any hosting yet?

Cheers MP.

It's not a blog, no. It would be, as you say, from absolute scratch.

I've no real problem learning PHP at all - I'd just rather know what I'm letting myself in for, sort of thing. The content of the website is still undecided to be honest - in terms of what it will actually house, although I can say that it will be using pictures and text on most pages fitted into a tidy and somewhat consistent web template.

Nothing over the top, nothing too fancy - as you would imagine with a first time run.

I have a decent idea of hosting - I've been with ASmallOrange* in regards to my forums and they're decent enough, the packages are reasonably priced and the support is pretty good - barring what can be some short daily downtime, when it takes a notion. That's not too bad.

I've heard a lot of good from the leading company in the OCHostReview (won't allow it to be typed - so I won't push the boat out), not only from the OCHostReview - but from other places as well - and I was genuinely thinking of giving them a go this time round.

Security is going to be a big thing for me - as I've basically had everything spoonfed to me through forum software (nothing to worry about, basically) - I'm still very young in knowing what is the the smartest idea from the not-so-smartest.

Although it will be tough, I am quite looking forward to it.

*remove if necessary :confused:
Beansprout said:
As far as I know it is ok to mention company names although there is that one exception that I know of :)

Any particular reason? Or can I assume it's something that can't be discussed?
Just to bump this up again and avoid creating another topic.

In regards to the Online Content Management System that Craig mentioned, where would be best to start?

I have a book here on MySQL & PHP - but am I going to learn a load of stuff I won't need or will it be benefical for me to know such things?

Obviously you can't guess into reading the book - but is an OCMS a big part of that subject or just a small sector of a massive subject?
Cheers seek. I'll have a crack at Joomla tomorrow and see how it pans out - if that goes up a particular creek without a paddle, then I'll have a look at mkportal.
If you have never used a CMAS before, give cutenews a try. Very easy to set up and use and no database is required as it uses txt files to store info. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the others mentioned here but its a good place to start.
Just what I wanted ;)

As a beginner I tried iware, I just created the actual website in a HTML editor but linked each part to the CMS so I could just login online, edit and finish.
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