Running headphones...?

2 Sep 2006
Forest Grove, OR, 'Merica
So I got a sony walkman mp3 player for running...I love it except the headphones not only suck, but I broke them. They keep falling out of my ears when I'm running and they really lack bass.

I'm looking for some replacements that will stay in my ears and sound very good. I've only purchased Sennheiser, Aiwa, and Sony headphones before and the Sennheisers always destroyed everything else...however I've only used their over-the-ear DJ style headphones for in-home use.

I'm not a fan of the color but they seem to be good headphones, if they're anything like their other products then they should be good....just wondering if anyone has used these before or can recommend anything else for me to consider before I spend the money?

Sennheiser MX70
I don't know anything about the ones you've linked to, but strangely the ones I got with my phone (W810i) are perfect for running with. They fit right in the ear.
Gilly said:
I don't know anything about the ones you've linked to, but strangely the ones I got with my phone (W810i) are perfect for running with. They fit right in the ear.

The deep in the ear ones (like the w810i) are the best non-over the top style headphones you can get and they stick nicely in the ear, go for some in that style.
I thought that normal headphones stayed in your ears quite well, like iPod heaphones.

Not sure though, maybe they just fit my ears very well :)
I had Sennheiser MX500s before I broke them, they sounded good but fell out of the ears pretty easily. Now I have some JVC ones, the sound isn't brilliant but they do stay in your ears pretty well, largely because they have a rubbery earpiece that moulds to the shape of your ear.
I have a pair of Sennheiser OMX70's (over-the-ear model) which most definitely won't fall out of your ears when you're walking down the street.

Unfortunately all their sports range have to be fluorescent lime green for some reason...

They have a very secure fit, you'd have to do a lot to shake them lose.
Sound quality I can't really comment on...they sound good to me, but then I can't even hear a difference between FM and DAB radio...
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I was about to suggest the full in ear time of bud, because they do tend to stay were they are put, but unfortunately your going to get a LOT of cable noise and vibration from the vibrations from your feet pounding the floor and bouncing off the inside of your head. I have a pair of Shure e2cs which are incredible headphones, but the cable noise and vibration issues are certainly there.

I'd recommend the clip over the ear 'sports' for running.
which sony walkman was it ?

dont the new smaller ones ( ie not the nwa 1000 )have "special" earphones that do magical things to the sound quality in magical ways. ( should go look up the fancy name for it to be honest shudnt i :o :p )

or was that just BS in the review i read ? anyhow do they do that with all earphones then ?

id go for earphones that clip over your ear for sports though if you want to make sure they dont fall out
it was this one:

The earbuds sucked. Bad sound quality, bad fitment, and they broke as well...(quite easily)
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