Running on 3 ? Help / Advice

19 Oct 2002
My Brother's R5 Campus Prima (1.4) is running on 3 cylinders.

He said it's only happened thought (conicidently when he was fiddling under the engine bay).

It's too dark to check all the spark plugs and leads, but its been a while since they were changed, infact we dont exactly know when.

Is it just worth getting new plugs & leads and replacing the old ? I pressume this is whats causing the problem ?


Fouth one is actually connected, isn't it? :p

But yes, HT leads do tend to break down, along with plugs. Might be worth swapping the known bad lead with a good one, then after, do it with the plug.

If the fault then shifts to another cylinder, you've got your culprit :)
Changed the plugs today, and problem dissapeared, chanegd the leads aswell though as we weren't quite sure of their age !
You can tell by the sound of the engine, not so much on idle but when you rev/accelerate you can hear it, misses and sounds like its "jumping".
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